Louis Althusser dizia, em Ler O Capital, que "[Spinoza] é o único ancestral direto de Marx".
No artigo Is it simple to be Spinozist in Philosophy? (https://www.radicalphilosophyarchive.com/article/is-it-simple-to-be-a-spinozist-in-philosophy), a autora Katja Diefenbach, apresenta de modo interessante a visão de Althusser sobre Spinoza, no que concerne a sua relação com o marxismo.
Vejamos a parte em que o filósofo franco-argelino "critica" Marx por ele não ter captado um ponto importante da teoria spinozana:
"At strategic points in Reading Capital, Louis Althusser introduces Spinoza's idea of an immanent cause as the decisive concept that is absent from Marx's discourse. For the Althusser of 1965, Spinoza's model of causality is the great missing link in Marx'se thought, a philosophical omission and lacuna of symptomatic force. It explains the whole detour that Marx was forced to take through Hegel's system of thought. Because Marx was neither aware of the concept of immanent causality in Spinoza nor produced it himself, the idea of the effectivity of structure is foun only in practical state in the complexity with which Marx depicts the social reproduction of economic relations in Capital".
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